18 Results found for: "Classics"

  • Aaron Seider

    Dean of the Faculty, Professor
    Areas of Expertise Human landscapes of ancient Italy, Gender in antiquity and its reception, Constructions of memory in Roman culture
  • Mary Ebbott

    Areas of Expertise Homeric epic , Oral Poetics, Greek Tragedy
  • Natasha Binek

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Greek and Latin poetry, Vergil, Aphrodite/Venus, Literary treatments of erotic passion
  • Ann Glennie

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Archaeology, art and architecture of the ancient Mediterranean, Ecology, hydraulic engineering and water management
  • Katherine Lu Hsu

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Greek literature, Mythology, Violence and heroism, Migration in ancient myth
  • Mahri Leonard-Fleckman

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Hebrew Bible, Ancient Middle East Studies
  • Thomas Martin

    Jeremiah W. O'Connor, Jr., Chair in the Classics
    Areas of Expertise Greek and Latin Literature
  • Blaise Nagy

    Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise Greek and Roman history, Greek and Roman religion
  • Karen Paquin

    Academic Administrative Coordinator