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Ignite, Holy Cross™ new Intranet, is the one-stop-shop for news, events and key campus apps like Chrome River and Kronos. From email and ITS to HR and MarComm, Ignite organizes every app, website, contact information and more within a single environment.
What You Will Need:
3. Sign into your »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ email.
You are now in Ignite via your browser, but the app is not yet downloaded.
This will redirect you to the App Store.
You have successfully downloaded the app!
You have successfully downloaded the app!
Ignite is able to translate page content into several different languages. Follow the instructions below to choose your preferred language.
Please note that language on files including documents, PDFs, and images will not be translated. Only content directly on Ignite will be translated.
Contact the HelpDesk by emailing, calling 508-793-3548, or by visiting O’Kane B72. The HelpDesk is available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.