
Mary Ebbott


Areas of Expertise

Homeric epic Oral Poetics Greek Tragedy


Ph.D., Harvard University


My research specialties are Homeric epic and ancient Greek tragedy. I investigate the Iliad and Odyssey as oral, traditional epics and strive to understand them on those terms. For both Homeric epic and Greek tragedy, I am especially interested in the performance of these works and how that performance informs or affects the interpretation of them. Much of my scholarship is collaborative, especially that related to the .


  • "," Washington DC and Cambridge MA: Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, 2010. 2nd corrected printing 2011.
  • "," Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2003.


  • "Iphigenia: A Selection," in Ancient Exchanges, January 2023
  • "Homeric Epic in Performance," 9-20 in The Cambridge Guide to Homer, ed. Corinne Ondine Pache, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2020.
  • "Life/Story: Eumaeus the Swineherd Tells His Own Tale," (2019): 142鈥146.
  • ", " (with Casey Du茅), 239鈥256 in Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution, ed. Monica Berti, Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter, 2019.
  • "Thucydides' Use of Homer in his Archaeology," 89鈥103 in Pushing the Boundaries of Historia, eds. M. English and L. Fratantuono, London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
  • "," Michigan Quarterly Review 56.2 (Spring 2017): 268鈥284. .
  • 鈥淗ippolytus,鈥 107鈥121 in A Companion to Euripides, ed. Laura McClure, Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 2017.


  • Greek & Roman Epic
  • Introduction To Greek 1