Campus Maps

Directions & Parking

Situated near major highways, transportation hubs, and airports, campus is easy to visit.

Visiting Admissions

Admissions sign directing to the admissions office


is available on Linden Lane (accessible by entering through the College’s main gate off College Street). 

Visiting Campus for Other Purposes

»»ÆÞÂÛ̳ sign in front of trees


is available between the Hogan Campus Center and the Luth Athletic Complex (accessible by entering Gate 7 or McKeon Road). 

Guests of Students

Guests of students who are staying on campus overnight must complete:

  1. (setup once by each visitor)
  2. (setup by student, required for each visit)

A valid vehicle registration certificate and a copy of the guest registration must be produced at the time the temporary pass is obtained. Guest permits may be picked up at the Public Safety office located in the Jo Wellness Center (open 24/7). All guest vehicles must park in the designated student parking areas. The sponsor of the guest is responsible for any violations of the parking regulations. 

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

An EV charging station on campus


Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are available on the third and fourth floors of the parking garage and in the Hogan Campus Center parking lot. These stations are available for all vehicles with a »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ parking permit and are first come, first serve. 

Please Note: The College assumes no risk or liability for damage or loss for vehicles or vehicle contents when parked on College property. 

Student Parking


Student parking is available in lots 3, 4 and 5, located behind the Prior Performing Arts Center near the dorms, and the parking garage bottom floors off lower Kimball road.

Student parking is available in the lower kimball lot, parking garage near the stadium and lots near the dorms


  • First and Second year students are not eligible for parking permits on campus
  • Juniors & Seniors only
  • Off-campus students with daytime or overnight permits and commuter students

You can . Compassionate requests are limited. 

Medical exception requests for first and second year students go through the Office of Accessibility. You must have an approved exception in place before you can bring your vehicle onto campus.

Note: You should only apply through one of these offices, not both.

  • Resident: $225/year
  • Off-campus (Daytime): $175/year
  • Off-campus (Overnight): $425/year
  • Temporary permits (One Week) $12.50

Grace period ends 9/15/2024 

  • Displayed on front windshield (driver's side lower left corner)
  • Notify Public Safety of vehicle changes (temporary pass provided)


  • Resident: Lots 3, 4, 5, or Parking Garage (bottom floors)
  • Off-campus (Daytime): Lots 3, 4, or 5 (6 am - 2 am)
  • Off-campus (Overnight): Lots 3, 4, 5, or Parking Garage (bottom floors)

  • Linden Lane, Haberlin Road, O'Kane Square (8 am - 5 pm weekdays, noon Saturdays)
  • Loyola Lot (Faculty/Staff only)
  • On Street, in front of dorms, Alumni, O'Neill, Kimball Quad, Stein, Carlin, any roadway is considered a fire lane, Fenwick, Memorial Plaza, Fitton Ave, Library Road, Public Safety, Hogan visitors lot, RideShare lot, and others not mentioned

See Campus Parking for Students Ignite Page

  • 6 or more parking tickets or parking violations
  • Blocking traffic, fire hydrants, or emergency vehicles
  • Lack of valid parking decal

See Transportation Headquarters Ignite Page

  • Submitted online within 5 days of citation or automatic denial 


The city of Worcester has designated most streets adjacent to the campus as "Resident Permit Required." Therefore, these streets are restricted to residents who display a city of Worcester parking permit. In addition, the city of Worcester winter parking ban on all streets is in effect in inclement weather. .

The College assumes no risk or liability for damage or loss for vehicles or vehicle contents when parked on College property.

State law requires »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ to post the following notice to all students who are not Massachusetts residents:

Per of the Massachusetts general laws, it is unlawful for a nonresident student to fail to file a Nonresident Driver Statement (PDF) with the police department located in the same city or town as the school or college they attend. Failure to file such statement is punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.

Under Massachusetts law, if out-of-state students bring cars to campus, but choose not to register the car with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, then they must file a nonresident driver statement with the local police department. Regardless of whether or not they apply for on-campus parking, they are required to register as a nonresident driver. After filing the nonresident driver statement with the Transportation and Parking office, students will receive the nonresident student driver decal. This sticker is not valid for parking on College Hill or within the Worcester City Limits.

This decal must be prominently displayed in the uppermost center portion of the vehicle’s windshield. 
»»ÆÞÂÛ̳ students living within the limits of Worcester City should contact the for information on resident parking. 

Transportation Methods

Boston's  is approximately one hour from Worcester. Shuttle service from Logan is available through  (800-822-5456), and  (888-765-LIMO). Please call in advance for reservations.

Both  (Windsor Locks, Conn.) and  (Warwick, R.I.) are located approximately one hour from Worcester. Please contact them for shuttle service information.

 is approximately a 15-minute car ride. Taxi service is available.

 train service is available to and from Worcester. The train station is located 5 minutes (by car) from campus. Taxi service is available. Schedule and fare information is available on the .

Commuter rail service between Worcester and Boston is provided by  and the . Search Amtrak schedules and fares online using the search terms WOR [Worcester] and BOS [Boston]. MBTA schedules and fares are available on the  section of the MBTA website.

 and  bus services are available to and from Worcester. The bus station is located 5 minutes (by car) from campus. Taxi service is available.

The  provides bus service around the city of Worcester. »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ is served by .

Situated adjacent to campus, the Blackstone River Bikeway extends 2.5 miles to Millbury, Massachusetts. Individuals will pass nature areas, a large department store, as well as residential neighborhoods. 

Students, employees, and visitors may use the uncovered outdoor bike rack on Linden Lane near Stein Hall to park their bike. 

For those looking to carpool as drivers or passengers, , sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, is a free online database to find carpool companions. The database offers rewards, with the average user redeeming $300 in rewards annually, and is open to anyone.

Employees that carpool also qualify to park in designated spots in more desirable locations. These spots are located in the various employee parking lots.

Contact Us

Transportation Office

Located in the Public Safety Office
1 College St
Worcester, MA 01610