Connect with Crusaders in Your Region

Clubs offer a variety of social, educational and cultural events and provide an excellent opportunity for alumni, parents and friends to find friendly surroundings for their professional and social needs.  

Find Your Regional Club

San Francisco Bay Area 
Julie Orio '97
Email Julie | 415-422-6251

Southern California 
Eric Tapper '03 
Email Eric | 310-367-9450

San Diego
Mark Lagace '02
Email Mark | 619-944-6275

Thomas Dutzer '90 
Email Thomas | 720-563-7177

Greater Hartford 
Maureen Cavanaugh Reidy '91
Email Maureen | 860-558-7277

Greater Fairfield 
Marianne Rizzo Gutierrez '84
Email Marianne | 203-536-4193

New Haven 
Rob Heinimann '04
Email Rob | 516-672-8308 

Capital Region (D.C.)
Suzanne Richeson '06 
Email Suzanne | 301-257-7899 

Jerome Siangco '19 
Email Jerome | 425-329-5574

Florida Suncoast (Tampa) 
Matt Basile '00
Email Matt | 516-480-6872 

Greater Chicago
Matt Arthur '02
Email Matt | 312-208-0780

Irene Drago '78 P12,07 
Email Irene | 708-302-1625

Greater Boston
Kate Beckerman '20
Email Kate | 781-710-8387   

Cape Cod 
Chris Boyd '88
Email Chris | 866-771-8901

Greater Worcester 
Pete Zona '14
Email Pete | 508-793-2597

Pioneer Valley 
Tom Cadigan '02 
Email Tom | 413-348-2980 

Matt Dudley '94
Email Matt | 612-810-7500

Maureen Varley '76 P14,11,09
Email Maureen | 732-259-3223

Eastern New York 
Meg Lasch Carroll '77 
Email Meg | 518-526-9528

Central New York 
Deb Dunn '85 
Email Deb | 315-697-9520

Metro New York City 
Erin Bruehl '02
Email Erin | 914-806-0998

Clare Dougherty '12
Email Clare | 845-596-8044

Westchester County 
Matt Ragone '82 P10
Email Matt | 914-654-9501

David Yanotchko '96 
Email David | 201-290-1231

Ted Graney '87
Email Ted | 716-842-2800

Long Island 
Liz Stevens Murdy '81
Email Liz | 516-503-1997 

Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle
Dan Altenau '12 
Email Dan | 914-384-5499

Greater Cincinnati
Nick Larsen '04 
Email Nick | 513-262-2225

Greater Philadelphia
Mike Witsch '09 
Email Mike | 610-717-6114

Greater Pittsburgh
Bill Stewart '04
Email Bill | 412-720-3007

Ann Anesta '82
Email Ann | 401-828-1363

Greater Austin
Patrick Alessi '07
Email Patrick | 401-339-1732

Sarah Dator Schulke '94
Email Sarah | 512-431-5095

Greater Dallas
Patty '11 & Tony '11 Zelayandia
Email Patty | Email Tony | 214-549-8598

George Leidig '79  
Email George | 757-570-3059 

Interested in starting a club in your area? Contact Alumni Relations at alumni@holycross.edu.

Stay connected with virtual opportunities.

Alumni Directory

Looking for a classmate? Want to connect with fellow Crusaders in a specific city or industry? Search the alumni database. To register for access, email alumnionline@holycross.edu.

Discover Alumni Networks

The HCLA is an association of legal professionals who strive to live according to the highest intellectual and ethical standards and to apply this commitment to excellence in service to others and in service of justice.

  • to receive notices about HCLA news and events
  • Refer business to fellow alumni through the HCLA Listserv. Send an email to sign up for the HCLA Google Group (listserv)
  • Search for fellow HCLA members in the or the .  Search '»»ÆÞÂÛ̳ Lawyers Association' under the 'Career Networks' category.
  • Join the >>
  • Hear stories of fellow HC lawyers who have been featured in the >>

The »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ Physicians Association (HCPA) serves as the primary organization connecting alumni physicians with the greater »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ community.

  • Join the group by >>
  • Join the private listserv to connect with fellow physician alumni, seek and receive consultation regarding general and specific medical issues. To join, email Mike Dubik at mikedubik@gmail.com.

Starting in 2006, the student-run Women in Business Conference has been an opportunity for alumnae and students to learn from one another and network. The annual event celebrates, honors and inspires the success of »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ women in business. 

Get connected with WIB:

Host an Event: We love finding new ways to connect alumni with one another.  Do you have an idea for an alumni networking event?  Contact Alumni Career & Professional Development to learn about hosting an event »

Start a New Group: We're happy to speak with alumni who are interested in learning more about starting a group. Contact Alumni Career & Professional Development to start a conversation!

»»ÆÞÂÛ̳ Alumni Association

Upon graduation, all alumni become part of the HCAA, a dynamic organization committed to engaging alumni for life.

Learn More About the HCAA
Contact Us

Office of Advancement

One College Street
Worcester, MA 01610
Alumni Relations
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.