
  • Accounting 
    Economics & Accounting Major

    Accounting majors will learn how to think, problem solve, and critically look at issues. Students receive a unique opportunity to complete a program in accounting within the environment of one of the country's leading liberal arts institutions.

  • Africana Studies 
    Concentration , Major

    This interdisciplinary program examines the integral role that Africans and people of African descent have played in the histories, politics, cultures and economies all over the world, particularly in Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe. Using methods from multiple disciplines, students gain insight into our shared past and present.

  • Anthropology 
    Sociology & Anthropology Major , Minor

    Anthropology’s distinctive way of studying the world through ethnographic fieldwork provides key insights into how diverse individuals and communities experience gender, race, class and other hierarchies in their daily lives, and how they challenge those hierarchies. Anthropology not only provides a diagnosis for the present, but also offers possible solutions to our pressing human problems.

  • Arabic Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Minor

    The Arabic Program offers elementary, intermediate and advanced level language courses. You will hone your language skills through small group practice sessions with a native Arabic speaking foreign language assistant and complement your classroom learning with culturally rich programs offered throughout the semester.

  • Architectural Studies 
    Visual Arts Major , Minor

    The rich cultural resources of New England and the greater Northeast form an integral part of our department’s curriculum, offering our students abundant learning, community engagement and internship opportunities.

  • Art History 
    Visual Arts Major , Minor

    The practice of art history provides both cognitive and discursive skills to probe past developments and confront those of the present. Through the close study of objects and sites, you'll come to an understanding of the individuals, social contexts and material realities of the past and how this informs the present day.

  • Asian Studies 
    Major , Minor

    Led by faculty from disciplines across the curriculum with teaching and research expertise in the Asian region, we offer a major and a minor, and sponsor activities and events beyond the classroom — often in collaboration with other academic departments and divisions. You will have the flexibility to explore your interests through courses in disciplines such as anthropology, economics, history, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, music, philosophy, political science, religious studies and theatre.

  • Biochemistry 
    Biology , Chemistry Concentration

    Open to biology and chemistry majors, the competitive concentration expands upon the foundations of these traditional fields of study, preparing you for graduate and medical studies, careers in the biopharmaceutical industry, and other post-graduate endeavors. The program includes laboratory-based courses and a year-long independent research project.

  • Biology 
    Biology Major

    Biology at ̳ has an exceptional tradition. Our graduates pursue a wide range of career options and advanced graduate degrees in various areas of biology and the biomedical sciences. Classes are small and students receive individual attention from faculty members who are dedicated teachers and active scholars.

  • Business 
    Career Program

    Offered in three different areas, our business certificate programs signal to future employers that you are prepared for a career in business.

  • Catholic Studies 
    Major , Minor

    Catholic Studies offers a rigorous, interdisciplinary approach to Catholic society and culture. You can design your own major or minor across multiple disciplines to pursue a curriculum that suits your interests and passion. Engaging with individual advisors and expert faculty in classics, English, history, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, philosophy, religious studies, sociology and visual arts, you can enrich your personal and career goals with the strength of purpose and moral formation that come from Catholic learning.

  • Chemistry 

    We strive to instill the fundamentals of critical and independent thinking and to foster intellectual curiosity by actively engaging our students in the scientific method.

  • Chinese Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    The Chinese Studies program offers up to five years of Mandarin Chinese language courses, in addition to courses that explore Chinese literature, cinema and culture through a range of disciplines. Optional practice sessions are offered by Chinese foreign language assistants, who reinforce classroom lessons while simultaneously offering an authentic and contemporary window into Chinese culture.

  • Classics 
    Classics Major

    In our courses, you will learn how to read, analyze and respond to ancient languages and literatures, art and archaeological remains with skill and creativity, and become familiar with several interpretive approaches.

  • Computer Science 
    Mathematics & Computer Science Major , Minor

    We actively welcome students from a variety of backgrounds and those without any prior experience in computer science. Computer scientists study fundamental questions about knowledge and computation: How to gather, store, transform and learn from information. Computational thinking permeates nearly every modern human endeavor, and computing plays a key role in recent advances in mathematics, natural sciences, economics and many other fields.

  • Creative Writing 
    English Concentration , Minor

    The Creative Writing Program offers students the opportunity to pursue fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Our courses expose students to contemporary literature, teach them to read like writers, and allow them to explore countless approaches to telling stories, crafting images, and developing an ear for language.

  • Critical Race and Ethnic Studies 
    Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Major , Minor

    Because racial justice is a collective struggle that calls us to be people for and with others, students of all backgrounds are welcome in CRES. Students customize their own curricular plan by choosing a track of courses focused on race and ethnicity from a wide variety of disciplines, including literature, history, sociology, anthropology, classics, religious studies, the arts and other departments at the College. Students gain racial literacy and intercultural sensitivity on a wide variety of topics. They are encouraged to ask their own pressing questions on racial inequality and research topics they are passionate about. CRES encourages students to seek classroom and cocurricular opportunities that provide relevant knowledge and experience for their future careers.

  • Dance 
    Theatre & Dance Minor

    Our dance courses are grounded in an understanding of dance history, as well as technique and composition.

  • Deaf Studies & Sign Language 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    Beyond the classroom, the program offers opportunities for cultural and language immersion through cocurricular activities and community-based learning initiatives.

  • Economics 
    Economics & Accounting Major

    The economics program at ̳ is an integral part of a liberal arts education. Economics majors study within the Department of Economics & Accounting, which has 23 full-time faculty members that are dedicated teachers and scholars who work closely with students to teach them invaluable tools — how to think, problem solve and critically look at issues. Whether students choose to explore the wide variety of topics offered by the major in economics or simply take a few courses to augment other fields of study, they are taught the benefits of understanding the theories of economics and how they can be used to interpret current or historical events.

  • Education 

    Mentored by renowned faculty who utilize their scholarship to impact the local community, you will complement your coursework with related field-based experiences as early as your first year. The faculty are dedicated to providing students with an excellent classroom experience while remaining active in community schools and in discussions about education at the national level.

  • Engineering 
    Career Program

    By combining a liberal arts education with an engineering degree, you will find yourself uniquely prepared to tackle the technical and creative challenges faced by today’s engineers.

  • English 
    English Major

    Through a wide exposure to a range of texts, students are challenged to explore the meaning of literature in a variety of contexts, and by that exploration, develop a deeper understanding of today’s world.

  • Environmental Studies 
    Environmental Studies Major , Minor

    A rich selection of courses will help you explore both our urban and wild surroundings as you investigate sustainability and environmental justice, as well as the relationships between humans and other living things.

  • Ethics, Society, and the Institution of Business 

    Business is the primary source of goods and services, of course, but it has also become a primary source of employment, opportunity, wealth and security. The Minor in Ethics, Society and the Institution of Business (ESIB) invites you to explore and question all of this, and to draw your own conclusions about the role of business in a just, flourishing and sustainable society.

  • Film Studies 
    Major , Minor

    Aiming for both breadth and depth, students develop a sophisticated reading of individual movies. It also offers survey and advanced classes in film that offer a variety of approaches: genre, theme, culture, narrative, cinema and history, and the work of individual filmmakers. Classes in (theatrical) direction and photography that both theoretical and hands-on explorations of filmmaking are also offered to students.

  • French and Francophone Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    The French curriculum is designed to provide you with linguistic proficiency as well as an understanding of French and Francophone literatures and cultures.

  • Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies 
    Concentration , Major

    Students in the program pursue critical questions from a range of academic disciplines and learn how activism can promote social change.

  • Geosciences 
    Environmental Studies Minor

    By studying geosciences at ̳ you will learn about the history of the earth, earth materials and resources, climate change, water on land and in the oceans and natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes and floods.

  • German Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    You will not only learn this widely spoken language, but also study German literature and culture through rich courses and a variety of cultural programs.

  • Graduate Opportunity in Elementary Education 
    Education Career Program

    Earn your Master of Arts in Teaching through our “4+1 Program," a program unique to ̳ students offered jointly by ̳ and Clark University.

  • Health Professions Advising 
    Career Program

    By offering outstanding academic preparation as well as many volunteer, clinical and research opportunities, ̳ has attained an excellent record in preparing students for graduate training in health care, with a medical school acceptance rate of approximately twice the national average.

  • Health Studies 

    The health studies major gives students an opportunity to immerse themselves in an intensive, multi-disciplinary study of health issues. Our multidisciplinary focus prepares students to be better equipped to deal with a host of health issues affecting the world today, most of which are not just biological, but are social, cultural, economic, environmental and political.

  • History 
    History Major

    ̳ is leading the way among undergraduate programs with a curriculum that recognizes the comparative, thematic and transnational nature of history. With a diverse and distinguished faculty, the history department offers a wide range of courses covering much of the world and across time.

  • International Studies 

    The major is inherently interdisciplinary, as it applies historical, political and sociological lenses to analyze global topics and phenomena. You will be challenged to develop critical thinking and writing skills, to master an additional language and to engage important questions of our day from the perspectives of multiple disciplines.

  • Italian Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    Both in the classroom and beyond, Italian Studies offers rich courses and diverse opportunities for cultural immersion. Whether you declare a major or minor, you will gain a broader understanding of the Italian literary tradition and culture and learn to think and write critically as you master a different language.

  • Latin American, Latinx, & Caribbean Studies 
    Concentration , Major

    Students choose from an array of courses from different departments and examine Latin American and Caribbean peoples and Latinx communities in the United States. The program enables students to become engaged global citizens, who are sensitive to cultural, social, economic and political differences while competent to establish bridges among them.

  • Mathematics 
    Mathematics & Computer Science Major

    The mathematics major at ̳ reflects a liberal arts perspective of delving beyond the simple understanding of subject matter to understanding why it matters.

  • Medieval and Renaissance Studies 
    Major , Minor

    The program allows you to design an interdisciplinary major or minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, drawing on collegewide offerings in three or more fields. As an era when rival religions competed for minds and hearts, states took form and writers and artists developed vernacular idioms, this period offers a model for contemporary study of the interaction of cultures.

  • Middle Eastern Studies 
    Major , Minor

    Through a combination of course work and extracurricular activities, this self-designed program allows you to explore the region's culture, history and politics through a multidisciplinary approach. This program emphasizes the integration of various disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Middle East.

  • Music 
    Music Major

    As a universal form of human expression, music transcends boundaries of language, culture, time and place. Whether you are interested in classical, popular or world music, in music of the past or the present, in creating, performing or simply listening, ̳ provides a rich context for engagement with music and the arts.

  • Naval Science (NROTC) 
    Naval Science Career Program

    The Department of Naval Science offers the education and training to become commissioned officers in the United States Navy and Marine Corps through its Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) scholarship program and its College (non-scholarship) program.

  • Neuroscience 
    Major , Minor

    Our program takes a unique, integrative approach to undergraduate neuroscience education. Students are encouraged to develop a broad base of foundational knowledge and skills across STEM disciplines, which is then applied as students acquire a deep understanding of principles, techniques and unanswered questions in neuroscience. The program aims to support and enhance student learning across the sciences, mathematics and philosophy, showing students explicit links between neuroscience and contributing disciplines. Students are thus empowered to develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed to confront complex challenges.

  • Peace and Conflict Studies 

    You will address crucial challenges of the contemporary world and develop the knowledge and skills necessary for effective citizenship in an age of nuclear weapons; regional, ethnic and religious conflicts; environmental deterioration; and global economic interdependence.

  • Philosophy 
    Philosophy Major , Minor

    At its core, philosophy is the ability to think reflectively and critically about questions at the very foundation of human existence. You will learn how to approach problems imaginatively, explore what might appear to be self-evident and appreciate the ethical implications of decisions and actions.

  • Physics 
    Physics Major , Minor

    Physics works to answer the question “why?” — why do objects fall to the ground? Why do we see rainbow colors on the surface of soap bubbles? In learning to answer the question of why, a study of physics at ̳ gives students a broad yet detailed knowledge of the physical sciences, provides students with mathematical and analytical skills, trains students in advanced laboratory techniques and teaches students scientific computing methods.

  • Political Science 
    Political Science Major

    Political science is one of Holy Cross most popular majors. The major is rigorously structured so as to ensure breadth as well as depth, with courses required in each of the discipline’s four subfields.

  • Pre-Law 
    Career Program

    To be a lawyer is to be an advocate. At ̳, you will build the communication, problem solving and reasoning skills that will afford you success not only in law school, but also in your career as a lawyer, policy maker or even business leader.

  • Psychology 
    Psychology Major

    At ̳, the psychology faculty explore the breadth of the discipline with their students both in and beyond the classroom and contribute to the field with their own research.

  • Religious Studies 
    Religious Studies Major , Minor

    As an academic institution committed to diversity with a mission to think critically, we offer a range of courses that enable you to understand and appreciate your own particular religious tradition, to situate that tradition in the wider context of other world religions and to discover how diverse religious beliefs and practices are relevant to global concerns.

  • Rhetoric & Composition 
    English Minor

    Designed for students who want to strengthen their ability to analyze and produce impactful communication, this minor prepares you to excel in careers that demand strong writing, critical thinking and rhetorical skills.

  • Russian & Eastern European Studies 
    Major , Minor

    The interdisciplinary curriculum of Russian and Eastern European Studies will allow you to develop a broader understanding of this culturally rich and politically crucial region from a variety of perspectives. Through courses in history, culture, politics, economics and language, the program offers an opportunity for you to gain background essential to understanding contemporary issues ranging from Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, to current German-Russian cooperation in the construction of a Nord Stream Gas Pipeline and the future of the European Union.

  • Russian Studies 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major , Minor

    The Russian Studies Program courses, major, and minor are designed to be interdisciplinary — combining the study of Russia’s art and culture with its language, history, religious traditions, geography and more.

  • Sociology 
    Sociology & Anthropology Major

    Analyze structures of power and hierarchy, draw connections between your personal experiences and larger social and historical processes and question preconceived ideas about the nature of society and representation of global cultures.

  • Spanish 

    The Department of Spanish at ̳ prepares students to engage with the diverse cultures and communities of Spanish speakers worldwide, including those in the U.S. With faculty expertise spanning literature, film, cultural studies, linguistics, creative writing, digital and medical humanities and decolonial theory, our curriculum promotes critical thinking, creative expression and intellectual growth. We welcome students from all language backgrounds, including native, heritage and second-language learners.

  • Statistics 
    Mathematics & Computer Science Minor

    Our statistics minor teaches a way of thinking that identifies patterns in data and draws inferences from those patterns. We focus on developing students’ understanding of how and why statistical techniques work as well as developing skill in applying them in modern software packages.

  • Studies in World Literatures 
    World Languages, Literatures & Cultures Major

    Discover how world narrative traditions transcend cultural and disciplinary boundaries as you explore the relationship between narrative and other areas of study, such as religious studies, history, political science and environmental studies.

  • Studio Art 
    Visual Arts Major , Minor

    Classes are “hands-on,” emphasizing experimenting with materials and acquiring technical and conceptual skills. The department encourages active exhibition of student work through ongoing shows in galleries on campus.

  • Teacher Education Program 
    Career Program

    Grounded in urban-focused teaching and learning opportunities, the TEP depends on strong partnerships with Worcester Public Schools to provide you with a robust sequence of experiences, including structured observation, tutoring and co-teaching, within which to expand their knowledge and skills. This experience is capped with a practicum semester, during which you will teach, assist with a duty, attend meetings and participate in other activities as members of the school community. You will be supported throughout your experience with a team of supervisors, professors and colleagues. Consistent reflection is critical to the program as you challenge your assumptions and discover your own identity as an educator.

  • Theatre 
    Theatre & Dance Major

    Our teaching and programming has been reviewed and certified as meeting all national standards for formal theatre training.

  • Urban Studies 

    The program raises key questions regarding issues of diversity and inclusion, both in terms of course content as well as student and faculty involvement, and invites us to explore how gender, sexuality and race have informed the construction and experience of the urban world. Individualized programs based on a faculty-designed template guide students to make new connections across disciplinary boundaries across the College and beyond.