Predrag Cicovacki is a Professor of Philosophy at »»ÆÞÂÛ̳, where he has been teaching since 1991. Cicovacki has also served as a visiting professor in Germany, Russia, Luxembourg, Serbia, France and India. In the Fall-Winter 2012-13, Professor Cicovacki was a Senior Fulbright-Nehru Fellow at the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, at Banares Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
Cicovacki's areas of specialization are: problems of good and evil, violence and nonviolence, philosophy of war and peace and ethics. His teaching and research are often focused on the works of Kant, Hartmann, Schweitzer, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Gandhi.
Cicovacki's recently taught courses include: The Art of Living, Kant and Goethe, Beyond the Obvious, Gandhi's Way of Peace, Nonviolent Movements in the World, Philosophers on War and Peace, Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy and Literature, Philosophical Anthropology, Love and Wisdom, Reality and Utopia, Kant's Moral Philosophy, Globalization and Its Values, Theory of Value, Kant Seminar, Dostoevsky Seminar, Tolstoy Seminar, Seminar on Albert Schweitzer and Reverence for Life.
Professor Cicovacki has published over 100 essays in various scholarly publications. These essays have been published in, or translated into, English, Serbian, German, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
He is also author and editor of eighteen books, the latest of which are The Luminosity of Love (2018) and Gandhi’s Footprints (2015). He is editor (with Kendy Hess) of Nonviolence as a Way of Life (2017) and (with Heidi Grek) of Tolstoy and Spirituality (forthcoming).
The Luminosity of Love
(Los Angeles, CA: Sebastian Press, 2018), pp. 178. (in Serbian: Alhemija Ljubavi, Nikšić: Institute for Serbian Culture, 2018).
Gandhi’s Footprints
(New York: Routledge, 2015), pp. 183; hardcover and paperback.
Barefoot in Banares: A Spiritual Pilgrimage
(Puducherry: Puducherry Cooperative Book Society, 2015), pp. 195; paperback. (Jaipur: Prakrit Bharati Academy, 2015), pp. 200; hardcover.
The Analysis of Wonder: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann
(New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014), pp. 168; hardcover. Paperback edition 2015. (A Serbian translation is forthcoming: Nikšić: Institute for Serbian Culture, 2018).
The Restoration of Albert Schweitzer’s Ethical Vision
(New York: Continuum Press, 2012), pp. 212; hardcover. (The paperback edition is published by Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013.)
Dostoevsky and the Affirmation of Life
(New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishing 2012), pp. 366; hardcover. Paperback edition, March 2014. (Serbian translation, by Miroslav Ivanović, Dostojevski i svetost života [Beograd: Službeni Glasnik, 2014].)
The Starry Heavens and the Moral Law: Essays on Kant’s Philosophy,
(in Serbian; a collection of my twelve essays on Kant’s philosophy) Nikšić: Jasen, 2005, pp. 204; paperback.
Between Truth and Illusion: Kant at the Crossroads of Modernity,
(Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), pp. 240; paperback and hardcover. (Serbian translation, by M. Ivanović: Istina i iluzija: Kant na raskrsnici moderne [Belgrade: Dereta, 2010], pp. 333.)
The World in Which We Live Together: A Philosophical Crossword Puzzle,
(in Serbian) Nikšić: Jasen, 2002, pp. 138; paperback.
Anamorphosis: Kant on Knowledge and Ignorance
Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1997, pp. ix, 325; paperback and hardcover. (Serbian translation, by M. Ivanović: Anamorfoza: Kant o znanju i neznanju [Belgrade, The Multidisciplinary Center, 2005], pp. 390.)