My research is in the general area of atomic and molecular theory. I study few-body systems using novel computational techniques. I am particularly interested in bound states of atoms and molecules in external fields and exotic systems which contain anti-particles. My other area of interest is scattering theory.
- Introductory Physics 1: Mechanics, Fluids and Waves
- Introductory Physics 2: Electromagnetism, Optics and Modern Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Quantum Mechanics
Recent publications
Quantum scattering from cylindrical barriers, Sean McAlinden and Janine Shertzer, to appear in American Journal of Physics (2016).
Electron scattering from excited states of hydrogen: implications for the ionization threshold law, A. Temkin and J. Shertzer, Physical Review A 87, 052718 (2013).
Long-lived positronium and AGN jets, John T. Giblin, Jr. and J. Shertzer, ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics 2012, 848476 (2012).
Hyperspherical hidden crossing method applied to Ps(1s)-formation in low energy e+-H, e+-Li and e+-Na collisions, S..J. Ward and J. Shertzer, New Journal of Physics 14, 14025003 (2011).
Binding energy and structure of e+Na, J. Shertzer and S.J. Ward, Physical Review A. 81, 064505 (2010).
Current Projects
Variational approach to electron-hydrogen scattering (Aaron Temkin, NASA )
Exotic ions in liquid helium