Cynthia Stone


Areas of Expertise

Film and Cultural Studies Protest Literature Interrelations Among Words and Images in a Variety of Media: Mesoamerican Codices, Early Missionary Writings in the New World Films set in Colonial Spanish America, Translations of Indigenous Traditions


Ph.D., University of Michigan


  • Directed Independent Elementary Spanish 1
  • Intermediate Spanish 1
  • Intermediate Spanish 2
  • Spanish Composition & Conversation
  • Aspects of Spanish-American Culture
  • Intro to Textual Analysis
  • Colonial Span Amer Literature
  • Latin American Film


  • Mesoamerican Codices
  • Films set in Colonial Spanish America
  • Translations of Indigenous Traditions

Publications (book)

  • Stone, Cynthia. In Place of Gods and Kings: Authorship and Identity in the 'Relación de Michoacán'. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2004.

Publications (articles)

  • Stone, Cynthia. "Confronting Stereotypes: The µþ°ù±ð±¹Ã­²õ¾±³¾²¹ as Homily, not History." In Teaching the Writings of Bartolomé de las Casas. Eds. Santa Arias and Eyda Merediz. MLA Series on Teaching World Literature, 2008.
  • ---. "Beyond the Female Gaze: María Luisa Bemberg's Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz." CiberLetras 13, 2005.
  • ---. "Aguirre Goes to the Movies: 20th-Century Visions of Colonial-Era 'Relaciones'," in Bridging Continents: Cinematic and Literary Representations of Spanish and Latin American Themes, eds. Alejandro Varderi and Nora Glickman. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, Special Issue No. 2, 2005.
  • ---. "The Filming of Colonial Spanish America," Colonial Latin American Review 5, 2 (1996).
  • ---. "Multiple Authorship in the 'Relación de Michoacán'," Hacia un nuevo canon literario, ed. JoAnne Engelbert (New Hampshire: Ediciones del Norte, 1995).
  • ---. "Rewriting Indigenous Traditions: The Burial Ceremony of the Cazonci," Colonial Latin American Review 3, 1-2 (1994).
  • ---. "El lector implícito de 'Rayuela' y los blancos de la narración," Los ochenta mundos de Cortázar: ensayos, ed. Fernando Burgos (Madrid: Edi-6, 1987).