17 Results found for: "Philosophy"

  • Karsten Stueber

    Professor, Department Chair
    Areas of Expertise Philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and psychology, philosophy of social science, meta-ethics, and Wittgenstein
  • Jeffrey Bernstein

    Professor - On Leave until Fall 2026
    Areas of Expertise Spinoza, German Philosophy and Jewish Thought
  • John Bunke

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology
  • Devin Gouvêa

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise General philosophy of science (focusing on conceptual change in science), philosophy of biology, integrated HPS (history and philosophy of science)
  • Kendy Hess

    Brake-Smith Associate Professor in Social Philosophy and Ethics -On Leave until Fall 2026
    Areas of Expertise Ethics; Applied Ethics (Business, Professional, and Environmental); Capitalism, Ethical Action in the Workplace, Environmental Philosophy, Metaethics, Metaphysics, Nietzsche, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind
  • Andrew Jussaume

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise German Idealism (Schelling), Existentialism, Metaphysics
  • John Manoussakis

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Philosophy of Religion, Phenomenology (in particular Heidegger and Marion), Ancient Greek Philosophy (especially Plato and the Neo-Platonic Tradition), Patristics, and Psychoanalysis
  • Frances Maughan-Brown

    Philosophy Lecturer, Montserrat Lecturer
    Areas of Expertise 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophies, Aesthetics, Kierkegaard
  • Justin Mooney

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion