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Community-based learning (CBL) is a teaching approach that connects classroom learning objectives with civic engagement. Engagement occurs through service that meets community-identified needs or through research and experience that holds promise of social or scientific value to the community. In this mutually beneficial process, students are able to gain a deeper understanding of course content by integrating theory with practice, while communities gain access to volunteers, resources, and the wide-ranging research and scholarly expertise housed in the College's many disciplinary departments.
If you have questions about current opportunities, please contact us at
Research has shown that CBL is an extremely effective learning and relationship-building pedagogy for students, faculty, community partners, and the clients community partners serve. The data* we have collected from our CBL Assessments (2022-2023) has proven the same:
You may be more familiar with the term service learning rather than community-based learning. Generally, service learning and CBL are considered interchangeable terms in professional and academic writing.
At »»ÆÞÂÛ̳, there are a variety of ways for students to engage with the Worcester community. The SPUD program is run out of the Chaplains’ Office and connects hundreds of »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ students with agencies in Worcester for volunteering opportunities. Both the SPUD and CBL programs aim to facilitate meaningful relationships between members of the »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ community and Worcester residents. The main difference between the two programs is that CBL involves curricular civic engagement, meaning that students are participating in service placements and projects as a requirement for a specific course. While this can and does happen with SPUD, the learning goals for CBL engagements are overtly defined by CBL faculty in their syllabi. A second difference between the two programs is that generally, students participating in service through CBL make a commitment of one semester (as their service is linked to a semester-long course); students participating through SPUD make a commitment of one academic year. However, several of the CBL classes at »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ are yearlong courses where students make a yearlong commitment. Additionally, numerous CBL students create such deep and meaningful relationships with their CBL agencies that they voluntarily continue for two, if not more, semesters. A third difference between the two programs is that SPUD, generally, involves weekly service opportunities. CBL includes both weekly service opportunities (for students in placement-based courses) and more targeted service opportunities, such as a single workshop or a single project (for students in project-based courses). While SPUD and CBL are two separate programs, agencies are welcome to host students from both.
CBL project-based courses typically involve the whole class engaging with the same research project or short-term community engagement activity; while CBL placement-based courses typically involve weekly volunteering with a community partner.
Typically, students serve approximately 2 hours per week with their agency, or, 20 hours per semester. However, this can vary widely depending on the expectations that CBL faculty and community partners set, as well as the timing of certain programs.
The Donelan Office has put together a for CBL supervisors designed to provide much of the information you need to be an effective CBL supervisor; the Donelan Office (via the J.D. Power Center) sends a quarterly newsletter with updates from our office, announcements, other highlights, and information from community partners; the Donelan Office has student leaders through the CBL Intern program, and, if appropriate, certain CBL Interns are paired with community partners to assist with the organization of CBL volunteers and other logistical matters; the Donelan Office oversees the Marshall Memorial Fund which provides financial support for faculty and students, on a competitive basis, for service, research, and community-based learning projects that are of academic benefit to both »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ students and/or faculty and of benefit to the people of Worcester; and, Donelan Office staff are always available to answer any questions you may have, troubleshoot any challenges you may be facing, visit your agency, and to provide additional resources you may need.
Because CBL students are completing their service in addition to their academic work for their CBL course, they typically do not have more than two or three hours per week to serve at their agencies. Holy Cross does have an Academic Internship Program (AIP) where students are expected to be at their agencies for eight hours per week and in a seminar course. The Community Service Work-Study program at »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ may also be a program that fits your needs. Learn more about this program through the Office of Government and Community Relations. The Center for Career Development also works with community partners on internship opportunities for students. Contact Career Development to learn more.
Absolutely! If there is a specific need you have, consider working with a project-based CBL course. Project-based courses typically involve the whole class engaging with the same research project or community engagement activity. Examples of projects that have been completed in the past are: offering workshops, building websites, creating and teaching lesson plans, and collaborating on museum tours. Additionally, the Donelan Office co-sponsors and co-facilitates the Non-Profit Careers Conference (NPCC). Every January, approximately 30 HC students return to campus early to learn about the non-profit world from faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners. One of the ways students learn about the non-profit world is through participating in a case study at a local non-profit. The case study is a real-life challenge that a non-profit is currently facing and needs outside advice in order to work on solving it. Contact the Donelan Office to learn more about the case study aspect of the NPCC.
Wonderful! We are excited to start a dialogue with you regarding a partnership between your agency and »»ÆÞÂÛ̳. Your first step is to be in touch with the Donelan Office.
The Supervisor Manual (PDF) is designed to provide helpful information to support you as an effective CBL Supervisor. The manual contains a brief history of the Donelan Office, an in-depth definition of community-based learning, a description of the ways in which students grow from participating in CBL, a description of the staff positions in the Donelan Office, a description of the expectations and logistics associated with supervising CBL students, and tips for being a dynamic supervisor.
Feedback we have received from both students and community partners has revealed that the CBL experience could be improved with additional resources to facilitate the introduction/orientation process. Therefore, we have created a template for a CBL Student and Site Supervisor Learning Agreement (DOC) that you can elect to utilize to initially establish the student/supervisor relationship and assist with the setting and managing of expectations for the semester. You may find that creating a written agreement can be useful throughout your semester together as you can return to it if challenges may arise or expectations are not being met. Our hope is that this tool may enable you to have an even better experience with your current and future »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ students. Regardless of whether you choose to utilize this form, we encourage community partners and students to have a formal conversation at the beginning of the semester to discuss each other’s hopes and expectations of your work together.
With few exceptions, students in CBL Placement classes are expected to attend their placement sites every week throughout the semester (except for holidays and breaks). Please refer to the Academic Calendar for »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ holidays and breaks. Students are not expected to attend their placement sites on these days, but they may make arrangements with you to do so if they wish. Please communicate directly with the students about any days on which your agency will be closed or your programs will not run.