
Susan Sullivan


Areas of Expertise

religion, poverty and public policy, family, community-based learning and Catholic social teaching


Susan Crawford Sullivan is a Professor of Sociology. She received her Master in Public Affairs from Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs in 1996 and her Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University in 2005.  In 2009-2010, she was a visiting assistant professor and research associate at Harvard Divinity School. Professor Sullivan has academic interests in religion, poverty and public policy, family, and community-based learning. At ̳, she teaches courses such as Social Statistics, Sociology of Religion; Catholic Thought and Social Action;  Families and Societies; and The Sociological Perspective. 

Select Publications


S. Crawford Sullivan, (University of Chicago Press, 2011)

  **Winner 2012 Distinguished Book Award, American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section 

  ** Winner 2012 Distinguished Book Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

** Finalist, 2012 C. Wright Mills Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems reviewed in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; Religion and Gender; American Studies; written up in Christian Century; National Catholic Reporter

S. Crawford Sullivan and R. Pagnucco, eds., A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus (Liturgical Press, 2014;) African edition (The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Press, 2014)
**Finalist, "Excellence in Publishing" Book Award 2015, Association of Catholic Publishers

Journal Articles

  • S. Crawford Sullivan and V. Aramini. 2019. “Religion and positive youth development: challenges for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders” Religions 10(540): 1-20
  • S. Crawford Sullivan. 2019. “Religion, Gender and Social Welfare: Considerations Regarding Inclusion” Social Inclusion 7(2): 44-47
  • S. Crawford Sullivan and R. Beard. 2014. “Faith and Forgetfulness: The Role of Spiritual Identity in Preserving Self with Alzheimer’s” Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging 26(1): 65-91
  • S. Crawford Sullivan, A. Ludden, and R. Singleton. (in press) “The Role of Institutional Mission in Student Volunteering,” Journal of College Student Development.
  • S. Crawford Sullivan and Margaret A. Post. 2011.  “Educating for Democratic Citizenship: Combining Community-based Learning and Catholic Social Teaching,” Journal of Catholic Higher Education  30(1): 113-131.
  • S. Crawford Sullivan "Unaccompanied Children in Churches: Low-Income Urban Single Mothers, Religion, and Parenting.Review of Religious Research, 50 (2): 157-175.
  • S. Crawford Sullivan, “The work-faith connection for low-income mothers: a research note,” Sociology of Religion 67(10) March 2006: 99-108

Book Chapters

  • S. Crawford Sullivan, “Whither Polarization? On (Non) Polarization on the Ground,” pp. 46-58 in Polarization in the U.S. Catholic Church: Naming the Wounds, Beginning to Heal, (Mary Ellen Konieczny, Charles C. Camosy, and Tricia C. Bruce, eds., Liturgical Press, 2016)
  • S. Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco, "Catholic Social Teaching and the College Campus," in Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco, eds., A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus (Liturgical Press, 2014)
  • Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco, “Sharing the Vision of Justice" in Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco, eds., A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus (Liturgical Press, 2014)
  • L. Plitt Donaldson and Susan Crawford Sullivan , "Catholic Social Teaching, Poverty, and the Economy," in Susan Crawford Sullivan and Ron Pagnucco, eds., A Vision of Justice: Engaging Catholic Social Teaching on the College Campus (Liturgical Press, 2014)
  • S. Crawford Sullivan, “Catholic Social Teaching, Community-Based Learning, and the Sacramental Imagination,” Becoming Beholders: Cultivating Sacramental Imagination and Actions in College Classrooms, Tom Landy and Karen Eifler, eds,, (Liturgical Press, 2014)