I was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia. For my undergraduate studies, I attended Paine College, a small, historically African American liberal arts college in my hometown on a full academic scholarship. In 2009, I graduated with a degree in Philosophy and Religion as Salutatorian of my class. That fall, I started the MA/PhD program in Philosophy at Penn State University. In 2014, while ABD, I accepted my first tenure-track position in a Philosophy department at a public liberal arts college in Georgia. I successfully defended my dissertation in 2015. In 2018, I took a research leave to pursue the two-year Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies here at ̳. In 2020, the multicultural students at ̳ identified me as one of the professors who made an impact on their lives. I have an article “Legitimizing Blacks in Philosophy” (2017) and another “Maria W. Stewart, Ethnologist and Black Feminist” which is forthcoming with Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. My book, tentatively entitled Racism and Kantian Cosmopolitanism, is under contract with Oxford University Press.