At »»ÆÞÂÛ̳, the holistic development of every student is at the heart of who we are. A core element of the cura personalis (care for the whole person) philosophy is our commitment to supporting students in understanding, upholding, and growing from the College’s behavioral standards. Through the Community Standards Process and Procedures, we provide a framework that addresses issues of student conduct, while also offering guidance and the opportunity for reflection and growth. For many, interactions with this office become valuable learning experiences that help shape their character and future decisions.

At »»ÆÞÂÛ̳, we understand that challenges do arise. When difficult moments come your way, they become opportunities for positive transformation. 

The College's Community Standards Process and Procedures

They outline student behavioral expectations and address allegations of student misconduct (non-TIX/EO and non-Academic Integrity). All community members are encouraged to review the document.

2024-2025 Community Standards Process and Procedures (PDF)

FAQs and Disciplinary Records and Dean Certifications

Reports alleging student misconduct (non-academic and non-Title IX/Equal Opportunity) are forwarded to the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards for review. Students who respond to one or more allegations (i.e. respondents) will receive written notification of the alleged misconduct including details such as the incident date, time and location. Any relevant administrative charges (i.e specific Community Standards that may have been violated) are also included in this correspondence. These administrative meetings provide an opportunity for the student to be heard and to share their version of events. All involved students (respondents, complainants and/or incident witnesses) are strongly encouraged to participate when invited to do so. Once all available information is collected, determinations related to responsibility and/or any appropriate sanctioning are made.

Neither parents nor attorneys have any role in this administrative process and may not be present at any student meeting while a disciplinary matter is pending. However, students are permitted to have a support person serve in the capacity of an advisor while they navigate the Community Standards process. If a parent has a question or concern related to a procedural matter, they may contact the Community Standards Administrator assigned to their student's case and/or the Director of Student Integrity and Community Standards. Attorneys should direct any/all questions or concerns to the »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ Office of the General Counsel at 508-793-3759.

As a general practice, if a student is responding to an alleged violation, they are directed to discuss these circumstances with their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s). The College will notify parents and/or legal guardians in cases where a decision to suspend or expel a student has been made. If a student under the age of twenty-one is found in violation of the College's Alcohol and Drug policy, the College will contact the student's parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) informing them of the violation. 

A current or previous record of College Probation may adversely impact a student’s ability to participate in various College-sponsored activities, events and/or educational programs. This may include, but is not limited to, an inability to serve as a resident assistant, student government officer, orientation leader, or some other leadership role. The Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards makes no decision regarding a student's on-campus employment but will provide disciplinary records to other departments should they request such records for the purpose of their own search, selection and/or hiring processes. A current or previous record of College Probation may also preclude a student from participating in a study abroad program, regardless of where the student is in the application and/or approval process. Please note that any final decision regarding a student's participation in a study abroad program is made by the Study Abroad office. 

Disciplinary files maintained by the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards or the Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity are considered student education records and are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). These records are disclosed as permitted and required by law.  The College maintains disciplinary records of College Suspension for a period of ten years, following a student’s original or actual graduation year, whichever is most recent. Disciplinary records of violations resulting in College Dismissal are maintained indefinitely. Additional information on  may be found on the College’s course catalog.

External third parties such as institutions of higher education and professional schools for which a current or former »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ student is seeking admission often request dean certifications. Such certifications are also commonly referred to as "common application college reports, certifications, transfer college reports, character reference forms, and background check forms." Typically, because the institution’s disciplinary process is designed to be educational rather than punitive, it is the College’s ordinary practice (with the student's expressed written consent) to comment on student disciplinary history (specific to cases managed via the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards or the Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity) only if there is a record of College Suspension or College Dismissal. Records of College Probation may be disclosed to internal »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ campus partners with legitimate educational interests. For the purpose of Dean Certifications, the College does not comment on questions related to student character or fitness.

  • Students currently enrolled at »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ or who are on an approved Leave of Absence (LOA) are directed to contact the Class Deans for Dean Certification forms.
  • Non-students (alumni, transfers, withdrawals) must complete the online 
  • If the institution or entity a current or former student wants to apply or transfer to has their own Dean Certification form with an accompanying FERPA Release/Waiver for the individual to provide to »»ÆÞÂÛ̳, all applicable sections of that form, including the signature and date where applicable, must first be completed before a request to the »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ is made. If the institution or entity does not have their own Dean Certification form, the inquirer must complete, sign, date and upload/attach a .
  • The »»ÆÞÂÛ̳ will generally process a Dean Certification request within five business days. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Multiple contacts for the same request (ex. email + fax + in-person visits + USPS, etc...) may unnecessarily delay processing. 

Any student disciplinary record including allegations of student misconduct and/or open/pending matters may be disclosed without a student’s consent to any college official who has a legitimate educational interest. These officials may include administrative, supervisory, academic or student support personnel.

Submit an  to the Office of Student Integrity and Community Standards